Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Are Website Analytics important?

Ok, so now you have done your keyword research, found your product to sell, designed your Website and maybe even placed some ads.  What do you do next?  Just wait for those visitors to “stumble” upon your site and “buy” something?  No, there’s more work to do!  I think this is the FUN part!  Analyzing what your visitors are doing on your site and determining how the site is functioning.  How do visitors interact with your site?
Increasing traffic to the Website is important. Becoming more popular and “known” as an Internet Marketer is important, but even more valuable is making money and receiving huge returns on your investment (ROI).  The way to do this is to use Web analytics.
Web Analytics involve:
·         Calculating the conversion rate
·         Site performance
·         Efficiency of internet marketing campaign
You want the site to effectively service visitors and customers by:
·         Page delivery speed
·         Site availability
·         Transaction processing
For an e-commerce site a conversion is what you what your visitor to do, the action that is desired.  It can be subscribing to a newsletter, registering an account, and ultimately making a purchase.
Google Analytics offers some really neat, free Web analytics services:
·         Revenue reporting - # of purchases and average $ amount of purchase.
·         Conversion Rate
·         Average order value – tracks changes over time of the average order value
·         Product SKU# of items sold per SKU, total revenue, average price and average order quantity
·         Categories
·         Transactions – list of all transaction on your site
·         Visits to purchase helps you understand your sales cycle and the best content to create in order to turn that prospect into a customer.
·         Time to purchase – reports how long it takes for a visitor to convert to a customer.  Gives average time on site.
·         GeoTargeting – reports locations of customers.
·         And Much, Much, More!
Evaluating Website data is not just about the traffic, it is all about “why” are they doing that and “What for”?  The factors can be impeding business growth and success.  Use the insights gained to rectify defects and/or simply improve content.  Improve the overall marketing campaign and increase your conversion rates!
Debra Rapp
Drapp Marketing & Consulting

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