Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Success Tips to Learn From in a Mobile Advertising Campaign

This month at Full Sail University as part of the Internet Marketing program, I have been studying Mobile Advertising.  We have cover all aspects of the subject from digital coupons, developing a mobile application, future trends of mobile advertising, to now we are studying targeted mobile advertising.  When learning about what works and what doesn’t, it is important to look at case studies.  A recent study I read was “case study: Moosejaw uses Mobile to Connect & Leaves Consumers Engaged and Buying”, posted on Messagebuzz.com.  Moosejaw Retailers has successfully created a more integrated approach spanning marketing, e-commerce, customer service, branding, idea generating, customer reviews and loyalty programs.   According to the author, Moosejaw did an exceptional job using mobile marketing tools across multiple communication channels creating customers that are Moosejaw’s salespeople and built a community of consumers.
I read the Moosejaw case study, then went on to search for another case in which the companies mobile advertising encompassed engaging and interactive content, reward points, discounts, deals or incentives, loyalty programs, product reviews, customer reviews, building a trusted community and building a trusted brand. I found a case somewhat comparable at Case Study Maurices.  Maurices started in 1931 in Duluth, Minnesota.  Minnesota is home for me so this store is of interest to me.  It is a leading small town specialty store for the savvy fashion conscious customer with a twenty-something attitude.  So you see they have a brand history and a great brand story to build a trusted community on.  The two cases have some similarities, they are both retailers building on brand awareness through multiple new media channels.  Moosejaw has done a better job of promoting that Moosejaw evangelist mentality.

Moosejaw began its crusade in the customer service area by communicating with current customers via text and obviously, because customers want to hear about existing orders, shipping and other concerns, they opted in.  Whereas Maurices started with creating an awareness on their Facebook page, it gained visibility quickly.  This presence was driving brand awareness and consumer engagement and Maurices wanted to expand into mobile.
Maurices developed “The Maurices Mobile Style Club, a text messaging campaign that has exclusive promotions, style tips, select Q&A options and exclusive content.  So by potential customers opting –in they would be receiving discount and “something in return”.  Then Maurices integrated “Mobile Style Club” throughout all communications such as Facebook, direct mail, print advertising, Web site and in-store advertising.  By doing this, they were creating brand awareness with continuity and there are opportunities for that community to be built on word of mouth advertising.
Moosejaw does a better way of creating engaging and interactive content with their humorous games, such a s “Paper, Rock, Scissors” and “Operation Sale”
A dynamic brand community was created with the Maurices Mobile Style Club.  Member’s also have a option to text back with feedback or questions.  They will get individual responses or questions can be posed to the group for feedback.  Moosejaw has something similar and more personal with their customer service text back.
Here are 2 aspects of Moosejaw’s campaign that Maurices has not capitalized on yet;
·         Moosejaw has a mobile Web site that enables customer to pay via Paypal.  Every option that is available in a live store is available to the customer on the mobile device.
·         Customers can submit product reviews and comments in their own words.  Peer review has so much more significance to prospective customers.
Customers are very empowered when interacting with Moosejaw!  Maurices has done some great things and I think they have further to go.  The mobile advertising possibilities are endless.
Thank you for visiting my blog.  I invite you to add any comments or suggestions you wish.
Debra D. Rapp

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Musings on Creating a Social Media Marketing Plan

So you’ve decided to move forward in designing your own entrepreneurship and success as an Internet business owner.  You’ve come to the realization that Social Media is the “in thing” and need to make a plan and set goals to achieve that success!
Social media is all about like minded people partnering, supporting, communicating, and sharing information with each other.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to create relationships both online and offline.
The success of Social Media is driven by consumer behavior, not technology.  I believe people are becoming more and more conditioned to learn from the Internet and search for solutions and their needs online.
To be successful in life, align yourself with successful people.  Drive customers to engage with your social media and Web content, nurture customers.
Some important Steps….
·         Plan and Set Goals
·         Determine Target Market or audience.
What are the ages, gender, spending power, # of hours online, what amount of time is spent on social networks?
·         How will you implement reaching your target market or niche?
Select the social networks you will use and how will they be intertwined?
·         Determine and measure ROI
·         Measure your success
          # of visitors to your blog
          $ amount of revenue
·         Check out your competition
Compare your strategy to current competitors in the same niche. 
What makes you better?
·         Brand your specialty!
Create a unified presence. 
Become known as the industry expert.
Attract people to you.
Again I will stress developing relationships here.

Maybe it is all about the superior customer service and insights you provide.  Your brand is an image that observers have in their mind.  It is a belief and an emotional feeling.

I have suggested quite a few steps here to get you started on your own Social Media Marketing Strategy.  These steps all work together and may not be listed in one step before the other order.
The most important things to remember are:
·         If you love your customers, they will love you back.
·         Be real.
·         Make your plan, set your goals, implement and measure success.
Most importantly engage in conversations that are going on.  Join in, contribute and HAVE FUN!
I’ve provided another good resource of information here:  Creating A Social Media Plan by Cory Williamson

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Are Website Analytics important?

Ok, so now you have done your keyword research, found your product to sell, designed your Website and maybe even placed some ads.  What do you do next?  Just wait for those visitors to “stumble” upon your site and “buy” something?  No, there’s more work to do!  I think this is the FUN part!  Analyzing what your visitors are doing on your site and determining how the site is functioning.  How do visitors interact with your site?
Increasing traffic to the Website is important. Becoming more popular and “known” as an Internet Marketer is important, but even more valuable is making money and receiving huge returns on your investment (ROI).  The way to do this is to use Web analytics.
Web Analytics involve:
·         Calculating the conversion rate
·         Site performance
·         Efficiency of internet marketing campaign
You want the site to effectively service visitors and customers by:
·         Page delivery speed
·         Site availability
·         Transaction processing
For an e-commerce site a conversion is what you what your visitor to do, the action that is desired.  It can be subscribing to a newsletter, registering an account, and ultimately making a purchase.
Google Analytics offers some really neat, free Web analytics services:
·         Revenue reporting - # of purchases and average $ amount of purchase.
·         Conversion Rate
·         Average order value – tracks changes over time of the average order value
·         Product SKU# of items sold per SKU, total revenue, average price and average order quantity
·         Categories
·         Transactions – list of all transaction on your site
·         Visits to purchase helps you understand your sales cycle and the best content to create in order to turn that prospect into a customer.
·         Time to purchase – reports how long it takes for a visitor to convert to a customer.  Gives average time on site.
·         GeoTargeting – reports locations of customers.
·         And Much, Much, More!
Evaluating Website data is not just about the traffic, it is all about “why” are they doing that and “What for”?  The factors can be impeding business growth and success.  Use the insights gained to rectify defects and/or simply improve content.  Improve the overall marketing campaign and increase your conversion rates!
Debra Rapp
Drapp Marketing & Consulting

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why is Web 2.0 Important for Business?

Have you often wondered “What is Web 2.0?” and “How does it apply to me or my business?”
Back in the olden days, Web pages were “static”.  It was basic HTML and a visitor could only read what was on the page and move to the next.  Now Web page content is “dynamic” and sharable. 
For me Web 2.0 is hard to conceptualize because I’m a visual person.  Can someone draw me a diagram?  In short, Web 2.0 refers to the latest and upcoming generation of applications that are social in nature.  How perfect!   We have applications that allow us to create relationships on the Internet that can drive business.  Web 2.0 applications allow for user interactivity with information exchange and collaboration.  Facebook is becoming more popular every day.  I heard somewhere that if your employer or a potential employer does not allow you to use Facebook on the job; don’t even consider working for them.  The other popular Web 2.0 applications are Twitter, YouTube, Foursquare, BLOGS, and the list goes on and on. 
It is important to note that all these apps work together and an Internet business person should not use one without the others.  Your business should be promoted and marketed across channels.  Also, remember I spoke about “establishing those relationships”?  Well, different prospect/people/friends prefer different methods to communicate and interact.    We can invite people to share their experiences and not only with words, but with videos and audio podcasts.
To be a success in Internet Marketing it is imperative to know and understand Web 2.0 and where new technologies may be taking us.  The Web 2.0 offers vast opportunities to extend your brand and offer different channels for customers to find you.  There is no looking back!
Debra Rapp
Drapp Marketing & Consulting

Monday, February 7, 2011

Meet Me At My Blog

Purpose of this blog
I definitely have to say I’m rather new to blogging.  So please be patient and hear me out. 
I am currently and online student at Full Sail University in the Internet Marketing Bachelor of Science program. I have blogged on another Web site with a few posts for class purposes. For the purposes of my current class, Information Systems and E-commerce, I have started this blog.  I plan to continue it to further my professional life.
Blogging has been around for awhile and lately it has become the new craze.  It serves many purposes for many different kinds of folks.  Let me say that for me to start out with, I want to connect with people and establish relationships.  Gosh, the Internet brings us the whole world, why wouldn’t you want to be connected to everything and anything.  And of course I want people to “know” me.
A Little Bit of Background
I’ve been a business person involved in direct selling since 2001.  By that I mean I’ve sold products through the party plan or you may think of it as a MLM’s.  I’ve sold everything from women’s clothing, skin care, craft kits, nutritional products and financial products such as life insurance.  I believe I know something about selling.  My favorite was women’s fashion!  Basically, it is all about finding a prospect’s or potential customer’s “need”.  I also developed Web sites for e-commerce.  I started this back in 2006 under my company name DRapp Marketing & Consulting.
Before that I was a computer programmer working on hospital systems in the corporate world.
Lately, I’ve been discovering my inner creativity.  I’ve developed new technical skills in Web Design after having completed a diploma course at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. About a year and a half ago, I started actively selling on eBay.  It’s actually pretty crazy what I’ve sold.  Anything goes!  My experience with Full Sail University has been exceptional teaching me the whole realm of marketing on the Internet.
I invite you to post your comments, I am eager to learn from you!
Debbie Rapp
DRapp Marketing & Consulting

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello and Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome!  I am currently in Information Systems and E-Commerce - Online class at Full Sail University.  Even though I have set up a blog for a previous class, I am designing this blog on http://www.blogger.com/.  I find all the design features very customizable and fun to work with.  So enjoy!

Debra Rapp
Drapp Marketing & Consulting